I want to plan for my retirement
Gain peace of mind that you can achieve your retirement dreams, with a plan shaped around your goals, timeline, and finances.
There is far more flexibility around retirement planning than there once was. While that means greater freedom over what happens to your money, and how you live your life, it can also mean greater confusion over which path is right for you.
We know you are likely to have questions about when you will be able to retire, what you should do with your pensions and whether your investments are on track to give you the retirement lifestyle you desire. Our planners will give you the answers you need to make the choices that are right for you.
How we help our clients
We recently asked our clients what they were most worried about in the run-up to retirement. 78% of respondents to our survey placed “not having enough money to live their desired lifestyle” as one of their three biggest concerns. We know it’s a worry, which is why we focus on providing you with solutions that give you security and allow you to stride towards retirement with confidence. Using sophisticated cashflow modelling technology, we can show you what you are on track to achieve, what you’re going to need, and where you could be achieving greater returns, saving money, or even spending more and enjoying your life now.
We’re not here to just manage your money. We are here to help you make good financial decisions that lead to the outcome you want.
- Pensions and investments
- Are your investments going to deliver the returns you need? Should you be consolidating pension pots? What kind of retirement lifestyle are you on track to achieve? We’ll answer your questions.
- Planning your retirement lifestyle
- Retirement is a major life transition like any other. Stepping into it without a plan can leave you feeling lost. We will help you work out what you want and how you will achieve it so you can stride towards retirement with confidence.
- Later life care planning
- Thanks to advances in medical care and a greater understanding of how to live a healthy life, our retirements are more active than ever. However, by planning for the long term, you can ensure that when you slow down, you have sufficient income to fund any care you may need.
Our clients say…
We asked our clients what they value most about our personalised service. This is what they told us:
Knowing what to expect when I retire.
The confidence to retire earlier than expected.
Knowing our retirement income will be sufficient for the lifestyle we want.
Peace of mind.
All quotes are taken from our 2021 client survey.